I write on Learning Technologies for a few esteemed publications.
Adaptive hypermedia instructional system (AHIS): A model
Education and Information Technologies
Online Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09927-x
AHIS equation describes a new model for instructional system design and develops a system based on Merrill's Component Display Theory incorporating an appropriate selection of Media, Ergonomics, and Navigation Structures to produce learner engaging and effective learning outcomes. A significant component of the proposed model is the integration of principles of Ergonomics having Graphic aesthetics as one of the constituents. Graphic aesthetics decides Unity, Proportion, Balance, Sequence, and Cohesion for interface design. The next component is a selection of suitable Media as per the categorizing learning content. Merrill Component Display Theory has been utilized to categorize learning content. Research shows that media effects are significant in the teaching-learning process. The third significant component of the model is the selection of Navigation structures. Navigation structures decide learner concentration level (learn engagement), restrict them from getting disoriented in hyperspace, and finally direct them to their learning objectives. Research in the field of Navigation structures reveals that its potential for accelerating learning when employed with well-designed interfaces. Hence, time demands the development of an instructional model which identifies categorized learning content (pj), principles of Ergonomics for Interface Design (ej), Media selection criteria (mj), and selection of appropriate Navigation structures (NJ) and improved learner engagement by calculating learner's prior knowledge level based on learner known concepts (kcs known), familiar concepts (kcs familiar) and new concepts (kcsnew).
Modelling adaptive hypermedia instructional system: a framework
Multimedia Tools and Applications
Online Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6819-2
This research drill presents a perspective on modelling an Adaptive Hypermedia Instructional System (AHIS), by integrating
investigational research findings on technology and education. In the past decade, a number of adaptive hypermedia learning systems have been developed. Most of these systems deliver instructions according to learner prior knowledge. Each learner, processes and organizes instruction in a different way. An effective and efficient instruction significantly affects student learning. Thus, researchers and practitioners are investigating ways to design and develop effective instructions. Proposed Adaptive Hypermedia Instructiojal System based on Component Display Theory (CDT) given by (Merrill, 1983) presents guidelines to design effective and efficient instructions. Proposed Adaptive Hypermedia Instructional System based on Component Display Theory (CDT) given by (Merrill, 1983) present guidelines to design effective and efficient instruction. Present study showed that an instruction is a balanced combination of - Graphic Aesthetic, Ergonomics, Hypermedia and Media building blocks. As a consequence, critical surveys was conducted. Survey included 60 studies out which 30 studies were on adaptive systems (14 were peer reviewed journals). Survey revealed that little adaptation focus has been laid on Instructional Strategies and Components of Instruction. As a result, described framework (AHIS) assists in formulating efficient and effective instruction to achieve desired learning outcome. The design, development and improvement of learning instructions in AHIS are based on Media Worthiness, Ergonomics, Hypermedia, Attributes and Methods building blocks. Framework is at more abstract at more abstract and corse-grain level and calls for its evolution into shell. Thus, we conceived the Modelling of Adaptive Hypermedia Instructional System (AHIS) by integrating the research findings of micro-studies on various aspect of Ergonomic, Hypermedia, and Media. Effectiveness of instructions was evaluated by forty-four undergraduate students. Results indicate that instructions designed through Adaptive Hyprmedia Instructional System were learner engaging and considerably affect learner performance. The implications of these results for the design of Adaptive Hypermedia Instructional System are discussed.
Integrated Help
Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning
Online Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.24203/ajeel.v6i4.5457
Teaching computer programming to novice programmers is a challenging job. One possible reason for this is that novice programmers struggle to understand internal manipulation of key programming concepts which causes misconception and difficulties. An observation study was conducted to investigate misconceptions and difficulty experienced by Novice Programmers. Study revealed three major findings - firstly, novice programmers found textual presentation of programming concept to be monotonous; they preferred alternative presentation in the form of text, audio, video, animation, simulation etc. Secondly, Egonomics of learning interact causes eye fatigue. Thirdly, to remove misconception when novice programmers search WWW due to numerous search results they suffer from lost-in-hyperspace problem.
Further, exhaustive survey on existing integrated programing IDE(C, C++, Java Editor, .net Editor, SQL Server, Oracle) revealed integrated help provided by majority of them, suffer from key findings of observational study. To address this, "Integrated Help " content presentation model is proposed. A series of studies established this model to be potentially effective. Learning material facilitated through "Integrated Help" was found to interesting and engaging. As a result it proved to be an aid to novice programmers to develop better understanding of key concepts.
An Adaptive Hypermedia Instructional Framework
In Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT),
2016 2nd International Conference on (pp. 85-93)
Online Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICATCCT.2016.7911970
This paper presents a perspective on Modelling an Adaptive Hypermedia Instructional System, having sound footings on research findings in context of high quality technology enabled learning environment. We propose a framework that is primarily based on the concept of reusable learning objects , media worthiness of components and instructional ergonomics. The goal of the framework is to cater protocols to enable decision making while presenting content, appropriate media selection and ergonomics aspects. This inetgrative framework attempts to address both authoring of the component-based development of an adaptive hypermedia instructional systems as well as reusability.
Silent Observation
ICT - Based Assessment, Methods, and Programs in Tertiary Education
IGI Global, Hershey, USA,
Online Article DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3062-7
With the growth of information communication technology, new technologies are emerging, and their applications in learning are increasing. Emerging technologies that may produce effective learning outcomes include 5G technology to have efficient and effective learning, artificial intelligence - imitating human-like behaviour, voice searches, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR). Research in the field of emerging technologies reflects that they are able to engage learners and grab their attention. Learners must be assessed to measure learning gains. Learner assessment using Bloom's taxonomy has been proved effective. Algorithm "Silent Observation" proposed to assess learners, is found to be effective in its idea of conception stage. The algorithm has sound footings in micro-research findings on formative assessment and emerging technologies. Assessment using this algorithm will be an iterative process and will refine itself using AI techniques. "Silent Observation" has a strong pedagogical framework interweaving emerging technologies.